Sunday, July 24, 2011

Role Playing

Lately, I have been role playing almost every day with my original character. If I am not interacting with other role players, I have been caught in doing related stuff for it. Stuff like drawings, writing and digitally editing. I feel like a teenager doing all this random s... "stuff"

Role playing has taken over me, and thus is the main reason I have abandoned this blog and twitter, etc.
Even my anime list!! It has been weeks since the new summer season started and I haven't finish all the shows that I started last one. 

Anyhow, here I shall show some Role Playing "Art" if it can be called that.

Shitty drawing, cuz everyone knows I can't draw people nor was a good try. Here is my character, Cesia Vlador naked on a lake making water droplets float and whatnot.
Since like 80% of all original characters are pretty and perfect version of oneself. I took a picture of myself, did some photoshop and tadaa what do you know, it is Cesia with a wicked smile.

This one I made it for a role player acquaintance of Cesia. Took like 6 hrs, between the drawing, the coloring, and the photoshoped background. If I have the time I will post the other two versions before the final one, which is the one above. I am soo proud of it thou, I absolutely love the book <3

Obviously, majority of role players are students who have no jobs and guess what?? I don't have a to be me right now...

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