Tuesday, February 21, 2012

"The Little Prince"....wait NO! it is "His Last Dream"

Hello People,

Apologies for disappearing for almost a month, life sucks a little as usual BUT there is still hope in the world. By hope I mean awesomeness called GINTAMA! and Zetsubou Sensei!!

I shall drool and fangirl all over those two another time, for now I am proud to present you a quick sketch (~1 hr to do sketch) and its final touch with photoshop after another hour or so.

I just realized today is Mardi Gras...so, I am eating potato chips while doing this post.

To the point of my post--> Short Story with Illustration.

My camera doesn't do much justice to the drawing.

Final Photoshop Version
 Doesn't it look like the little prince?

AND...Here is the first part to the story I am writing (I am going to do a full post later on, so don't feel the obligation to read it now)

Until then, See ya later people and... TAKANO SAN I MISS YOU!!

"His Last Dream" (First Draft Part I)

  On a sunset colored forest where a rain veil covered the white painted trees. A young man stood paralyzed to the unique looking place for it seemed like a forest but the smell in the air had the fragrance of the ocean. It was poignant rain that could penetrate anyone’s bones except his, strange for his breath had a shape in that freezing looking place. His uncovered hands felt the liquid that he could only describe as warm but with a soft texture as if it were snow. He didn’t remember how he got to be in that place; he could barely remember the label imposed on him by society. Strange for how could he think to be in a bizarre place when he could barely remember where he came from… He thought that maybe he had some sort of trauma; maybe he was asleep because he didn’t felt any pain whatsoever. He rapidly checked himself as to feel anything out of the ordinary, but his perspective of the environment was the only thing uncommon to find. 

The only thing accompanying his soul and body were his common black clothes, a short sleeve shirt, an old looking scarf, and some formal looking pants, he check these and found a cigarette in his right pocket and an insignificant lighter on his left pocket.  Just when he was about to light the cigarette he heard some noise behind a leafless tree. Still holding the cigarette with his right hand he followed the noise to find ‘it’. The man looked at ‘it’ confused for some seconds for ‘it’ wasn’t wearing much clothing and seemed to be freezing for it was shaking uncontrollably. ‘It’ saw him and asked “Aren’t you cold?” The man chucked and asked “Are you alone?” 

‘It’ didn’t like a question as a response for its question and said in a sarcastic tone “Not anymore!” The young nameless man, didn’t had any use for his old scarf and gave it to ‘it’ without a second thought. ‘It’ stared at him in surprised and used the scarf which helped ‘it’ a lot. “I don’t feel cold anymore… Who or what are you?” The man smiled and said “I don’t quite remember my name, but I guess I am magic” 

‘It’ didn’t quite get the joke and strangely enough it jumped out and started walking ignoring the guy until ‘it’ was some steps away from him. “Magic? Well, I am ‘it’ thanks for the scarf and…” ‘it’ turned around and with a very mandatory voice asked ‘Magic’ “AREN’T YOU COMING? I shall show you the way out, to return the favor”

The man who followed ‘it’ with his eyes couldn’t help but to laugh “My name is not ‘Magic’ and what sort of name is ‘it’? In return, ‘it’ ran back and hit the guy on his right shoulder making the cigarette fall. “You are not the only one whose memory got erased in this place! Since you don’t have a better name you are ‘Magic’ to me” 

“I can come out with a better name than that, for me and for you…” the man stopped talking for ‘it’ made a fist while staring at him with cold eyes. “Fine, you are ‘it’ and I am ‘magic’” He said while picking up his wet cigarette. ‘It’ started to run to the horizon and ‘Magic’ doubt if ‘it’ really had any idea on where it was going, but since he didn’t have much clue on what to do he just followed it. 

After who knows how much time it passed ‘Magic’ had to ask “Do you really know where you are going?” ‘It’ sighted and responded “I do, you are not the only one who I have shown the way out.” 

“Way to make me feel special” He said sarcastically while stopping since ‘it’ also stopped. “Time to sleep” ‘it’ said after yawning. “It is not night, and I am not tired” ‘Magic’ told ‘it’ and in response ‘it’ said “I am not moving farther until I get some sleep, and it is never night over here.”

‘It’ tried to find a dry place to sleep after going off the path they were going, after some steps further into the forest a silver looking lake could be seen. The water looked as if it was evaporating for steam could be seen emanating from it. “There is nowhere dry to sleep, I guess we will have to sleep in or on the lake, which one would you prefer?” The man raised one of his eyebrows and thought “’It’ must be either joking or I must be really dreaming”. Without hearing a loud response ‘it’ started walking towards the lake “On the lake it will be”
-“You have to be kidding me, you actually mean NEAR the lake, right?” 

-“I didn’t, everything is wet and it is still raining. The most logical place to sleep in ON the lake”

-“NO, the most logical place to sleep in not ON the lake at times like these…”

-“IN the lake it would be too noisy”

-“I can see that due to the droplets of rain…but still ON the lake…”

   ‘It’ smiled and giggled “You actually thought about it, didn’t you ‘Magic’?” He did and wondered why, since it doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. It is not like he knows precisely it would be strange to sleep on or in a lake for he didn’t have memory, it didn’t also make sense since if he decided that he was either dreaming or in a different world then he was bend to adapt to the rules of that world and its inhabitants, not much point in questioning. “Instincts that is all” He said.

By this point both of them were at the edge of the lake, “Magic, if I were to tell you to jump, what would your instincts tell you to do?”

-“ 'It’ my instincts tell me to only do it after you do it first”

-“Good instincts”

‘It’ jumped to the lake and in slow motion to ‘Magic’ the being slowly landed on the lake making its way around the haze.

-“Magic, now if I were to tell you to come with me, what would your instinct tell you to do?”

-“‘It’ my instincts say nothing, I’ll say I trust you and go my way”

-  “Unreliable instincts you have… tsk tsk tsk”

The man didn’t jump, but simply walked on the surface and made his way to where ‘it’ was.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Reasons I am Single...

Hello people,

It is the beginning of February and everything is saturated with Valentine's Day merchandise. It shouldn't surprise anyone that not only it is one of the best commercialized holidays beside Christmas, but also an opportunity to share the love between couples, friends and family...what am I saying?

IT IS NOT!! If anything it is just a date to torment the ones who are single!!

Everything pretty much hits my face with a hard falcom punch of reality!

The worst part of it, is that I don't think I can help my self.

No joking...even my own Sim can't help herself...

It is depressing how she has to write love letters to herself...

If you are curious of what this action does...It pretty much humiliates you by posting it on your wall.

I have made a depressing list of the reason I believe I am single, but I don't want to traumatize my audience and have decided just to list the "funny ones"

Reasons Gio is single:
  • I have the worst memory ever!! Names, Birthdays, Dates, you name it and I forget!! Sometimes it takes me a while to just remember what I have eaten all day.
  • I have my gay male friend listed as my husband on facebook, he calls me "husband" and I call him "wifu"...yeap, I am the man in the relationship.
  • I am a facebook stalker.
  • I am violent even with the people I care for the most, I....punch people out of love.
  • When I say that I have a husband and a wife, it means I am talking about my two favorite seiyu. Konishi Katsuyuki is my husband and Hiro C is my wife.
  • I get obsess over games like the "Sims" (duh! look at the picture) and tetris on facebook.
  • I use youtube and facebook on daily basis as if it something like showering or brushing my teeth.
  • A part of me died on my internet hiatus.
  • I am a frustrated artist.
  • I am a horrible person and I can say mean things about people.
  • I use sarcasm to the point that many people don’t know if I am using it or not.
  • I use double meaning as if it is the most natural thing in the world...and yes, double meaning in a perverted way.
  • I can't seduce a man even if my life depended on it.
  • I have different categories for: Creepy, weird, and a pervert.
    • example:
      • He is a creepy stalker, I in the other way I'm a cute one.
      • She is a weird and creepy pervert, I in the other hand I'm a nice weirdo.
      • I might be slightly creepy, but not to THAT point.
  • I make weird noises and I have weird sayings, some include but not limited to:
    • "Mukyaa~" "Kyaaa" "Gyapoo"-> all thanks to Nodame Cantabile
    • "Nyaa~"-> yes, I do have a cat complex.
    • "Sad Panda"-> I have no clue where I got this from.
    • "Fck my___"
      • "Penis"
      • "Ukulele"
      • "Life"
    • "Suck my balls"
    • "It sucks dick for skittles" Jersey Shore Oscar Wilde Parody Video
    • I should really make another post just our of these...
  • According to this video, I would fail on the "first date" for many reasons...
Photography-> RED FLAG
"What they say"-> RED FLAG
(I have no clue what he means)
I don't have a favorite "SPACE MOVIE"
I don't have the answer for "Why some birds can fly and some can't?"
Lastly....I AM CRAZY!!!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February is Here~

Hello world...

After a whole month of partying due to my bday, many issues with my internet and computer...*sighs* I am trying to go back in track with a proper schedule.

What to expect on February...

  • My food intake specially sweets is definitely going to increase.
  • Rage about my miserable and non-existent love life and indulge myself with food and anime.
  • Stress over school.
  • Pretend to be looking for a job since I will be searching for one, but in reality won't really be trying to find one.
  • Have economical issues due to my laziness
  • To be over negative since I am certainly aware of my age and my midiocre situation.
  • I will most likely have the inspiration to finish my short story "In Love with Love"
  • Expect a list of "Reasons I am Single".
  • Write down how I am going to post new pictures but never have the intention to actually do it.
  • Probably post random stuff as usual.
So, yeah if you don't feel like reading this blog during this lovely month...I won't blame you.

Do I have anything to go with this entry full of joy over exciting expectations?

This song: