Sunday, April 21, 2013

Tiny Poem

I can't convey my sentiments to words, nor words to poems, or poems to songs.

Breath, saliva and the melodic rhythm of my thoughts are the only reality that transcends the quiet night.

'Undress me'

Monday, April 15, 2013

Kamiya Hiroshi Spring Anime Love

Hello my Lovelies

Before I embark into my 2 day journey to Mexico I have planned to post screencaps of some of the shows that I am planning to follow this anime season. To my surprise, my wifu is in a BUNCH and I do mean a BUNCH of them.

My favorite so far, because I have no cure for my horrible sense of humor, it is

Yondemasu yo, Azazel-san Z

 Where my wifu voices, Beelzebub aka Beelya... A Who is a handsome demon prince in the underworld, but it is a cute sonuvabitch on Earth. All these are screencaps of the first and second episode.

Taken from zerochan

Cute Fluffy Demons

Beelya why are you so damn cute?
Zei cat
Azazel giving Akutabe san gifts, how considerate of him...right?
Assassination Attempt gone wrong... Epic Fail
Hot Sonuvabitch kudos if you can guess his seiyu
This show is pretty damn hilarious and I supah love the seiyu cast. On this note, another delicious seiyu buffet is on the 'Karnavel' anime. Which in my opinion, plot feels like it is going to be somewhat boring and shitty (like project K) but the animation is very colorful and the cast is eargasmic. 

First of all, Hiro C as Gareki
Second, we have Ono D as Hirato

and third...

Miyano Mamoru sama who shall always sparkle like the Prince he is :3
Sheep be cute
Hiro C is also voicing another protagonist, as Hibiki in Devil Survivor 2. Unfortunately, I can already tell the story be crappy as fuck, but will still watch it because of him... Wish me Luck

This is like Digimon but with demons in cellphones...
I can already tell this I will watch either drunk or super tired as to give it some enjoyment...

 My dear Kamiya Hiroshi will also voice someone on the "Attack on Titan" but hasn't appear yet. As you can tell this is the second week and have only watched 2nd episodes. Btw, the already mentioned anime,  Shingeki no Kyoujin, reminds me so much of Claymore. It is that dark anime in which you bet all of them are either going to die or be scarred for life.

 Anyway, I have to leave with more Hiroshi love, here is his newest pv. 

Nevermind, it has been deleted of youtube... Well, at least I got to see it once. It is off his new Album Hareiro. If you have a should watch it. It is SUPAH KAWAII

I shall go to bed now, may Takano san be in my dreams tonight~


Thursday, April 4, 2013

New Home at hitRECord! and Unique Mask of Fakeness

Hello Lovely People~

Just dropping by to say that I have a new home for all my artistic stuff (beside here and redbubble) at hitRECord.

Why did I sign up? Duh~ because of my love for Joseph Gordon Levitt aka: RegularJoe, and because I want to be on the TV show!!! lolololol 

Just kidding, I don't care about that. I just want more people to see my art and all the crazy beautiful stuff that I do~

Plus, they have challenges and stuff that stimulates my artistic inventive self. I just wrote something for the 10min challenge for the word FAKE:

 Unique Mask of Fakeness

Am I fake?

Facing the crowd every single day I walked with a painted common mask.

Anguish does not reflect on my face for I have hidden it very well.

Kindness is what my colored lips try to speak in a monotone voice.

Emotionless and detached from this common world in order to speak the truth.

 At the end of the day I wash my face and the color of my cognitive being disappears as it is washed by the water. I no longer have to imitate others and the fragile me can relax and dream of who I could become tomorrow. It is cowardice or just the simple egocentric and egoist me who wants to keep who I really am, looked inside for nobody to see except me.

Am I fake?

If I am fake, what or who am I faking to be? Then, who it is the original me?

I know who I am and who to be, I should no longer be fake but just then who is the mask?

Am I fake for playing someone who I am not but conscious at the same time of who I am?

But the fakeness that I play it is part of who I am for the time I take to be under the mask, it is indeed still the original me who have chosen to who to imitate and what to do.

Fakeness... Don't make me laugh

I am me and a thousand in the genuine combination that I have chosen the pattern to paint on the mask.

So yeah, wish me luck and cross your fingers so that I could get famous and finally meet my boyfriend, Joe ;)

Love your faces and if you have the time, drop by and give me some love~

Ohh and I also got into instagram, add me if you would like:  DKCesia


Lovely betches ;)