Monday, April 9, 2018

Make Up Boxes...Because I got hooked

Hello Lovelies,
It has been forever and ever!!! I know...BUT since I'm going to be blogging frequently...I hope *fingers crossed* I decided to start blogging again with a make up post!
To be more precise... I am just making an excuse for buying these make up subscriptions for something other than wasting money on narcissistic obsessive compulsive shopping. are the contestants: 

I actually have been an Ipsy subscriber for almost a year and have only received 'Yes, Oh Yas! and "Allure" this past month (March 2018).

Why did I subscribed to the other two? Well... short story is that they got me thru Instagram.

I guess I'll start my story with contestant #1:
"Yes, Oh Yas!"
Bellapierre's manicure and eye shadow palette + Coco's teeth whitening charcoal powder and brush
They actually reached out to me thru Instagram to become an ''Ambassador"
Was I skeptical? OF COURSE! I thought that it was just a 'pyramid' scam, in which they ask you to recruit more members while you get a discount on their products BUT at the end you pay up the same price and you just get more victims in the same cycle of mysery.

HOWEVER, Yes, Oh Yas, out front gave me 10% off and as of people who use my code, I get $1 per person and can cash out whenever I get 50.... (Not sure if that will ever happen) Anyway, I said that I would try and... I can't believe I wasn't disappointed. 


Discount if you become an ambassador and also this:

Of course I haven't reached any of these goals, but the promise is there... Even without the discount, all the products I got were like for $20 which is a good deal. 

I follow them on Instagram and they show you what you might received, is still a mystery box, so you might not get what you want BUT you do get to see what they offer. If you don't like it, you can trash the subscription and say "bye bye"

Not going to into full detail of what I think of the products, but so far I have tried the manicure set and have to say that I like it. Also, tried the Coco brush and the powder whitening teeth charcoal...I'm not in love but getting the hang of it. Haven't touch the eyeshadow palette...I wish I could have gotten the natural set but oh well...Mystery Box.

The thing that I really REALLY like about this box is that it is not your usual Make up products. Yes, I got eyeshadows BUT IT IS A COMPLETE PALETTE!!! (still not sure if it is any good though...but come on, it has like 12 colors) what I'm trying to say is that I haven't seen another box giving out manicure a whole set (lotion included) and teeth whitening. 

Kudos for the box with confetti, it is a cute touch.


The products are not top notch well known brands, I'm afraid I will get a Chinese knockoff at some point. I'm no make up guru, but you can feel whenever the items are in between being super good or super this is where these stand.

...that's it


Might keep it for another month or two. I haven't gotten bad service and I do think I'm getting a good deal out of my $20 bucks. I'll say check it out and use my code: CESIA for 10% off your first box!!! (If you don't get to be an ambassador...Also, self promoting because why not? *wink*)


8 sample/travel size products for $15 a month

Why I tried it? Because of Make Up For Ever, I got hooked because of Ipsy. I love their foundation and somehow or another I thought Allure might send me a full size foundation... I was so WROOOONG.


Only $10 on your first box, well known brands, and my favorite part...whoever writes the descriptions on the little magazine is a genius.


Where do I even start?

As mentioned, I thought I would get full size products, they advertise it as such but it is false advertising... Even the ''New Member Mystery Gift" is a lie... they do give you a gift, don't get me wrong BUT it is not worth $15....I got a cuticle treatment oil, the size of a regular nail polish (When I saw it I thought it was nail polish tbh)

As you can see in the photo everything looks sample/travel size and it is. Even the cleaning wipes are sample size... The lipstick is sample size baby lipstick.

I'm actually not even mad about this one because the shade doesn't go with my skin tone...still... R.I.P. Make Up For Ever
Are you serious?

My full size free cuticle treatment oil...Not even a nail polish...Worth $15?..uhhh....Nope
The only "full size" product I got were the cuticle treatment oil and maybe the eyeliner....??? Not even the lipstick (which most companies give you a full size). On Allure's defense, I know they can't really be in charge of size since the make up companies provides the samples... BUT if this happens, you shouldn't advertise it as full size, and that is worth the trip to the moon and back.

I got this cuticle treatment oil plus 5 other items for almost  the same price on Yes oh Yas!...Shame on Allure.

Once again, I'm not going to dig deep into the products, Make Up For Ever is indeed top notch, I tried the water based mask night and HELL to the YES! It leaves my skin super soft, I haven't tried the eyeliner but looks like it is waterproof and whatnot.


HELL NO!!! Sayonara Allure!

Worth $10 yes but no $15!!! *sighs* I'm just hurt by their false advertising... You can still check what they will have each month,  which I might do and then go baaaack....
Who am I kidding? I'm not, even the foundation that I signed up for it, was limited to 4 shades (thus why I though I was going to get a full size) MONTHS later after Ipsy sent it to me. 
In other words, don't do it. Plus, they spam you with tons of emails.

I got some weird "Sand" shade on Allure and got "Medium" on the October  Ipsy bag

Third Contestant: Ipsy

Look at my bag, I colored it :3
As said in the begging, I've been hocked on Ipsy for months and...I'm okay.


Only $10.99 (Includes shipping) great app, good points program and "personal picked products"

If these are only samples why am I bitching about Allure? Well, for once Ipsy always says they do samples and they don't cheap out on them. Usually the eyeliners and lip glosses are full size... and you get brushes (Even if I tend to hate them).

I have the App installed on my phone and it has gotten better since I joined. It shows what you are getting and WHEN. It shows from when you get billed to when your bag is on the way (which it is pretty neat). They recently added a shopping cash back program, you buy the products full prize and later on they give you back cash. You also get points every time you review the items that you get AND when you refer a friend. So far, I gotten points to get these for free:

Roses are red, violet are blue, I got this mask for free and so can you
Ipsy also has their own sales, which are commonly kits of samples that they compile but it is still cheap (usually around $12 for 6-7 samples) sometimes you do get an awesome deal on the brands they advertise. I got a set of Pretty Woman nail polish for like $10.

Kudos for the cute bags and specially the one for March, you could color it and I had fun putting glitter on mine.


Sometimes their "personalized picks" are...bad

They have a quiz in which you pick what you would like to get... I said I like mascara and have given good reviews on mascaras which ends up in this

My finger is in replacing the awful Tarte mascara I got

5 mascaras!!! 5 out of like 9 bags that I've gotten...I threw away one from Tarte...I hate Tarte, they are cheap with their make up (DON'T EVER BUY TARTE)

Also, I unchecked "brushes" and I still got one this past month!

To be honest, this month I'm supposed to get 2 bright pink shaded items (blush and lipstick) my skin tone doesn't go well with those...

In summary, 50/50 chance you get something you want... Once again, mystery box.


I'm sticking with Ipsy, I don't feel bad for getting bad samples, I can throw them away if I don't like them because it is cheap. I still try to even use the bad cleansers to clean my make up brushes...but no Tarte in DA HOUSE!!! that Tarte mascara from made my eyes super watery :'(

However, I did feel like saying "Adios" to Ipsy on January, I got the worst bag EVER!!! I only got like 1 good product and the rest were trash...even the bag was ugly as sin.

BUT, thanks to Ipsy, I found my make up match in heaven... Winky Lux <3 I love this brand...I'm addicted. I'll probably post about them later on.

Anyway...this is pretty much it....THIS IS A HUGE POST!!!

Took me hours to make, hope this helps you, lovelies to help on your quest to mystery make up boxes :3

As usual, you are lovely and pretty...



Thursday, September 8, 2016

Catching Words

No wind, just an intense fume of warmth, and the fake lights of a city night
A need to create, a need to feel, a need to catch words that don't come to me.

This is the dead end of certainty, the logic that bounds phrases be gone,
There are no meanings and there's no flow, what has my mind done?

Immovable with no way to go, I wish to fly or fall but obviously I can't
If I were to ask for help, my mouth won't move, I be stuck with a lack of words.

What it is there to convey anyway? The solitude, the darkness, the person that I am?
I don't have a muse nor inspiration, no precise sentiment nor a specific memory...

Is this a waste of time, lost in the wonder of nothing, perhaps an unfulfilling wish to be?
These are words, objects, logic and a rhythm of waves that still don't make sense.

I just want to catch them all: feelings, memories, statements, ideas, feelings
Catch them, make them my own, let them be a pattern created from my soul.

Absurd that nothing comes up at this time, at this night, at this hour,
Everything seems to be living endlessly in a powerless breath.

Jumping in space, net in hand, I still can't catch those stardust words,
Am I wrong in trying to catch them just on my own?

It doesn't matter anyway,
It is a fruitless adventure...

To catch words in a mute space...with nobody to help.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

It's Almost 4am

It is almost 4am and I can't go back to sleep.

I don't know what the hell is wrong with me, I feel anxious and I want to cry. I can't do anything, it is like I'm incapable of actually shedding tears.

Before I didn't use to have this problem, I have pills that I could take to make me fall asleep but I don't want to take more medicine. It is already enough with the antidepressants and the antibiotics I'm taking for the current infection I have in my ears and throat.

I think I need help but I don't know who to ask at 4am in the morning, I don't want to cut so I'm nowhere near a knife...but I want to cry, scream, and I want someone to help me...More precisely, I want somebody to save me from myself.

Why is it hard? I don't get it, I shouldn't feel like this, I've been working with my doctor and my psychologist and I still get these sleepless nights in which I want to escape...I want to disappear. There is something wrong with me and I can't fix it, even if I want to fix it, it doesn't...

I believed to be strong, to solve my own issues and be my own hero....Self sufficient and right now it is all collapsing in nonsense. I'm afraid of insanity, I'm actually questioning it, logically I should be fine but I am not.

I am trying so hard, I don't want to be a disappointment to me and everyone else but it is so hard.

Now, I am finally crying...

Crying in silence as usual, trying not to wake up everyone...

It doesn't make sense, I want help but I am still crying in silence...I feel ashamed.

Vulnerable, broken and fragile...I don't want to but I can't help it.

Why can't I be happy like everyone else? What the hell is wrong with me?

I'm in pain and I want somebody to save me because I can't save myself. I can't save myself this time. I feel so impotent and frustrated.

I used to pray but somehow I can't anymore, it just makes it worse...I feel like crying more and cutting. I want to hurt myself because I am helpless and I don't want to, I don't want to be weak. I don't want to rely on somebody else.

It is so fucking stupid, it doesn't make sense, it hurts so bad.

It is already 4am, I have been crying for about 20 minutes to no consolation. I don't know what to do, I'm typing my feelings because I really have no clue on what else to do.

I'm so lost and lonely...I feel like throwing up now. Throw up everything that is bad about myself, I want to let my ugliness out, feel normal and sleep. Not feel anything...

I'm sick of everything...

Nobody is going to save me, this is ridiculous, I should just dope myself to sleep...

I'm tired

Friday, August 26, 2016

Dream of a Demi Goddess

I dreamt that I was a demi goddess and it has been the coolest and weirdest dream I've had in a while...So, I have the need to write it down before I forget.

In my perspective, I see in the horizon pyramids and my palace looked Greek, columns and a very huge balcony.

There's a ceremony in which people are being converted and are ready to bow to me. I go down my balcony and there's a line of people praying while I walk in front of them. They kiss my feet as I walk down the line and after the ceremony is over; I get ready to go back inside my palace when I spot three individuals.

They look very suspicious but I still go up when I see my two grandiose sacred eagles flying up. However, one gets shut down and then the other. I become furious and somehow I knew it was those two men and woman. There is nothing that could stop me from finding these 3. Telepathically, I can sense where they at so I float there. I go across the palace to the garden where there are huge gold cages, I guess those were my eagles used to live :(

Anyway, I hanged the two men next in front of one of one of the golden cages and put the woman inside the cage. I do all of this with via telekinesis and then I question all of them who they are and who sent them.

They don't speak at all so I rip their clothes off and I snap the woman's neck. I take its corpse to the other men who are hanging from the ceiling and I ask them one more time to no reply.

So...I end up making the corpse decay in seconds and then placed it face to face to one of the men. They don't speak so I make the corpse kiss the man, or the man kisses it...I don't know both try to like eat each other and that's the end.

Weird, ain't?

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Cheap Birthday Present

Roses are red.
Violets are blue. 
This cheap poem
is just for you....... You weird hipster gamer

When I think of you,
I only picture glasses.
It is nice I suppose,
since I'm not seen asses.....That would be too weird even for me

It's your birthday, you turn thirty.
You are now a wizard!
Throw a yoga party,
but not a blizzard.... Not like you could because Stormcallers can't do that yet 

This poem is ridiculous,
but you know I'm tedious.
I'll have cake in your name!
Blow a candle to wish you fame..... Even if you hate it

You hate everyone and everything
...or so you claim, but I don't think that is the case.
Maybe you care too much or maybe you don't.
Either way, you and I are now friends.

So please,
...Don't call me Go

...You haven't yet but I'm like waiting for it and I can't handle the pressure.
See!!! This poem doesn't rhyme anymore...Well, I got lazy too and I just want to wish you a...



Ohh yeah...these photos remind me of you *Not suspicious replica of miitomo's actions when they search thru their pocket to check a photo that came out of nowhere...Most likely stalking, but you know it is called an 'investigation' done with care* *wink*

"Hello, My name is Cody and I have 20 pairs of glasses and hats too, my Miitomo looks like Indiana Jones but lacks hair, a black jacket, and a whip"
You can't deny it!!! 
P.S. I asked Chad for the Russian picture...Not sure if he will get it to you or not... I hope he does