Thursday, April 4, 2013

New Home at hitRECord! and Unique Mask of Fakeness

Hello Lovely People~

Just dropping by to say that I have a new home for all my artistic stuff (beside here and redbubble) at hitRECord.

Why did I sign up? Duh~ because of my love for Joseph Gordon Levitt aka: RegularJoe, and because I want to be on the TV show!!! lolololol 

Just kidding, I don't care about that. I just want more people to see my art and all the crazy beautiful stuff that I do~

Plus, they have challenges and stuff that stimulates my artistic inventive self. I just wrote something for the 10min challenge for the word FAKE:

 Unique Mask of Fakeness

Am I fake?

Facing the crowd every single day I walked with a painted common mask.

Anguish does not reflect on my face for I have hidden it very well.

Kindness is what my colored lips try to speak in a monotone voice.

Emotionless and detached from this common world in order to speak the truth.

 At the end of the day I wash my face and the color of my cognitive being disappears as it is washed by the water. I no longer have to imitate others and the fragile me can relax and dream of who I could become tomorrow. It is cowardice or just the simple egocentric and egoist me who wants to keep who I really am, looked inside for nobody to see except me.

Am I fake?

If I am fake, what or who am I faking to be? Then, who it is the original me?

I know who I am and who to be, I should no longer be fake but just then who is the mask?

Am I fake for playing someone who I am not but conscious at the same time of who I am?

But the fakeness that I play it is part of who I am for the time I take to be under the mask, it is indeed still the original me who have chosen to who to imitate and what to do.

Fakeness... Don't make me laugh

I am me and a thousand in the genuine combination that I have chosen the pattern to paint on the mask.

So yeah, wish me luck and cross your fingers so that I could get famous and finally meet my boyfriend, Joe ;)

Love your faces and if you have the time, drop by and give me some love~

Ohh and I also got into instagram, add me if you would like:  DKCesia


Lovely betches ;)

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