Finals passed, my traveling tour finished and I am super tired...
Things about my life...
Been traveling to the point of debt for God knows how long... and life still sucks. I don't want to depress anyone so I'll just shut up and say that I shall go back to blog randomly.
It is summer which means... WEATHER LIKE HELL!! So yeah...I'm not going to be able to sleep and I shall become irritable which at the end it means love spread all over my posts. Tehee~
Things to highlight...
Saw the Solar eclipse yesterday while driving without any protection and probably shouldn't have done that, DON"T DO IT KIDS!!! MY EYES!!!! didn't become blind but I for sure saw the road brighter at a 70mph speed...
Anyhow, things to expect: Movies, ANIME, music and RANDOMNESS!!!
....If I don't feel lazy.
That's it for now, just shouting to the world I'm alive...
and now, some music that has been out for some weeks ago but /were/ and are STILL excited about:
Video so coool!!!
Eargasmic song, which I blast to high volume in my car bc I bought the CD
If you haven't hear this song...there is no hope for you.
Finally, the only song that I like from a Mexican Rock Band while I was in Mexico City.
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