Sunday, May 27, 2012

Saturday Full of Anime

Hello everyone,

Since it is my last Saturday free of school I've decided to spend it by watching anime. Yesterday, I went to the movies and watched 'Men in Black 3' and 'Battleship' both of which I recommend and tomorrow...who knows what I will do.

Anyhow, here is my short review of some anime I've finally been able to caught up...

Fist of all, I finished watching 'Natsume Yuujinchou Shi'and I have to admit that I cried a little bit by the end; since it is very touching and I'm going through a situation like Natsume's. No, I don't see Youka/demons, I mean seen his old house where he grew up. When you see the house you used to live as a kid it is heartbreaking so yeah...despise the sadness, this anime is just mushy and fluffy as Nyanko sensei :3

It never disappoints me and it is just an amazing series in which each episode leaves you with a calm and warm sensation. Ohhh...did I mention Natsume's seiyu is my wife? lol it is non other than Hiroshi Kamiya!!!! YESH!!! >,<

Today, I had a lot of Hiro C!!! and I mean a lot!!! Next anime I started to watch is 'Nisemonogatari' and I couldn't stop watching it until ep. 8. I don't remember much of 'Bakemonogatari' and I never exactly loved it, but for some reason I feel like I enjoy 'Nisemonogatari' more than Bakemonogatari. On this new one, I feel more connected to the characters and I can't deny the fanservice for the female audience is of my liking ;)

Screencap that makes me go puri puri~
I'm going to say this one straight up, I don't like fact I am incline to hate her... If I were to cross someone like her in real life I'll probably stare at her, and avoid her at all cost because I'm afraid I would punch her face for no reason. I'm sorry everyone but there is just something about her that makes me want to hit her, it is like she has a sign on her forehead telling me to do so... O.o;

BUT just as much as I hate her, I love Araragi even thought I didn't like him this much on Bakemonogatari (more like... I remember just been neutral to his character and the whole series). He is pervertedly hilarious and the chemistry he has with his harem the other characters is great!! The only thing that slightly disturbs me is the "kinda but not really" incestuous relationship with his sister... O.o?

I still have some episodes to go until I hit the end but I give this one a 8.5/10 as of now, Hiro C once again strikes me with his awesomeness as Araragi. I'm truly enjoying this one, 3 times more than Bakemonogatari AND the Kamiya Hiroshi marathon continues with... BRAVE 10

Source:Zero chan. The guy on the left is voiced by Hiro C (*q*)
 I don't want to admit it but, I LOVE this!!! I am beginning to show signs of addiction towards this anime, I am in danger to become a crack whore for it. I'm at ep. 6 and I just don't want to stop watching it!!!

Reasons I love it:

THE CAST!!!! I mean Ono D and Hiro C not only as seiyu but also singing... KYAAAA~~~ *fangirl level: over 9,000!!!!*

Plus, you have Sakurai Takahiro and Koyasu Takehito, what is this? tears? yeah....fangirl tears rolling down my cheeks... Not really, but you get the point.

The protagonist it is still somehow USELESS, but not to the point of a 'Chizuru' (Hakuouki's protagonist who only screamed 'Hijigata san' and did...NOTHING) at least this one is funny and has a mass destruction jewel on her head...

The story is not THAT great, I mean...not much to expect out of a reverse harem, but it is has its really hilarious moments!!! Like this one:

Ohhh you are VERY wrong, these two are bishies and one of them is Hiro C (aka. BEST UKE VOICE EVAH!!)

The characters are unique and funny.How can anyone not love Yuri, Kamanosuke?

Is it a 'He' or a 'She'?? Only God and the mangaka
He...or She, it is like the Grell to Kuroshitsuji!!! Pervert, Psycho BUT unlike Grell, Kamanosuke is over the top Androgynous!!! Someone on MAL said "Androginity is all up in this bitch" to the seiyu, because it is a male BUT he sounds like a woman!!! I thought it was one until I saw it on 'My Anime List"and yeah... I love this man...or woman...or maybe hermaphrodite? I have never crossed a character like him/her.

Someone is having a "Grell" moment.
So yeah... bitches be crazy and lovable ONLY in anime lol. I feel like I have identified myself with this character :'D

Even though I would like to talk more about anime, I'm tired and I should go to bed and dream with bishies and Hiro C~

 But before that, I shall leave you with this GREAT AMV!!! from an anime I haven't seen but the music it is form Mindless Self Indulgence and you have to watch it. Padre, you deserve hundred KUDOS for creating this!!

Ciao~ for now ^^

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Summer Break= GINTAMA!!

Hello world~

I went back to my obsession with Gintama, not much news there (since I'm a crack hoe for Gin san). Just after been mesmerized by Super Junior for like 2 DAYS!!! OTL

Pero why?!! I've been listening to them and watching live shows of them and I'm in love with Kyuhyun :3

ANYHOW, going back to Gintama.

After the hilarious episodes with the Shougun, I couldn't stop loving episode 239 (SPOILERS) in which the group gets drunk and wasted.

The funniest part and for which I can relate  is when Gin san wakes up...

I mean who hasn't gone over these STAGES!!

Morning /or afternoon/ after you get super wasted:


 1) You try to remember what happened...
 2) BUT, you obviously FAIL to remember anything...

 3) You LOOK around, fear the worst, and...


YES!!! If you find out the worst has happened!!!
If you have seen this episode, you know WHAT I MEAN!!! lol


5) FML!!!

Then, we go to the most common stages after waking up naked next to Oba san... or someone else?? or worst case scenario? O.o? pick your poison...

 6) DENIAL!!!

 Yes, you tell yourself a million times it never happened and you might or might go to stages 1 and 2...while repeating in your head stage 5.

After reflecting severely on your actions, going thought all this trouble, and probably the worst hangover ever...

  7) Which is a....USELESS promise

 "Useless" because you will drink again to forget what you just did the night before and it is a never ending cycle. In conclusion... KIDS, NEVER DRINK UNTIL YOU GET WASTED AND TO THE POINT OF BLACKOUT!!!

You never know if you are going to wake up next to an old lady or a HOBO/ or worse than Hasegawa san... ^^;

After this educational illustrations and information, I shall post 2 random Gintama caps...cuz I FEEL LIKE IT!!!

EP. 229 *Nosebleed*

 Also, a friend of mine found this and the fangirl in me cried in delight since is Ace, from Heart no Kuni No Alice as GIN SAN!!!

I can't wait for NEXT EPISODE!!! LET'S DO IT!!!!

This is it, hope you liked this post and I miss TAKANO SAN!!! I miss Konitan too!!! :'(
Anyone knows if Konishi Katsuyuki is voicing anyone this season?

Until later people, ciao~

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I'm Somehow Alive...

Hello world~

Finals passed, my traveling tour finished and I am super tired...

Things about my life...

Been traveling to the point of debt for God knows how long... and life still sucks. I don't want to depress anyone so I'll just shut up and say that I shall go back to blog randomly.

It is summer which means... WEATHER LIKE HELL!! So yeah...I'm not going to be able to sleep and I shall become irritable which at the end it means love spread all over my posts. Tehee~

Things to highlight...

Saw the Solar eclipse yesterday while driving without any protection and probably shouldn't have done that, DON"T DO IT KIDS!!! MY EYES!!!! didn't become blind but I for sure saw the road brighter at a 70mph speed...

Anyhow, things to expect: Movies, ANIME, music and RANDOMNESS!!!

....If I don't feel lazy.

That's it for now, just shouting to the world I'm alive...

and now, some music that has been out for some weeks ago but /were/ and are STILL excited about:

Video so coool!!!

Eargasmic song, which I blast to high volume in my car bc I bought the CD

If you haven't hear this song...there is no hope for you.

Finally, the only song that I like from a Mexican Rock Band while I was in Mexico City.